Bizzardvark, Paige goes insane

So i was watching disney channel late at night and it said that a new episode of Bizzardvark was going to air so i decided to watch it.
The intro it self was all normal but at the end of the intro for around 15 seconds or so a cruelly drawn picture of Paige was shown and it said spooky stuff like 666 and i will eat you're children and Paige had a creepy smile on her face and her eyes were all blood red.
I then decided to read what the episode was called and it was called Paige goes insane.
I thought that was odd and creepy but i continued to watch the episode and it started pretty creepy and odd.
Paige was sitting down on a chair at vuugle and decided to get her iPhone out of her pocket and she called someone and that someone was Frankie her best friend and she said. Frankie why don't you come over to our studio at vuugle? i got something nice to show you.
Frankie replied by saying Oh okay Paige ill try to come there as fast as i can!.
The screen cut to black for a few seconds and then came back to Ethan wacker and Jake paul and i thought it was a bit weird that Jake paul was on bizzardvark as this was a new episode and Jake paul was no longer on disney anymore and Ethan seemed visibly worried about something.
Jake paul said to the camera. Uh hello guys its me Jake paul with dare me bro and i have my friend here Etha- It then suddenly cut to 1 grave in the middle of a forest and on the gravestone it simply said the letter B which is the first letter of Ethan wacker's last name.
It then cut to Frankie and Paige in there studio at vuugle and Frankie asked. Paige where and what is the thing that you wanted to show me? Paige replied with. Its in the back under the recliner. Frankie mumbled Mk and went to the very back of the studio.
Once she went to the recliner and looked under it Paige took a small pocket knife from her pocket and threw it at Frankie when she was not looking and the screen turned to black and all that could be heard was a high pitched scream that sounded like Frankie's scream of pain.
After nearly 2 minutes of the black screen and Frankie's scream of pain it finally stopped suddenly and cut to Amelia and her making cookies until Paige interrupts her and hands her a bowl of blood and says to Amelia. Well Amelia you're cookies could use some more flavor to it.
Amelia quickly said bu-but Paige tha-that's bloo- blood!.
Paige said to Amelia. Yes it is blood and i had to get my hands very dirty to get this blood to help flavor you're cookies but there is one problem.
See Amelia for the amount of cookies you're making there is just not enough blood in this bowl so i'm going to need to get more.
Mind if i take some of you'res? it then cut to a old movie and the only thing you could hear was a scream of pain. Amelia's scream of pain.
The scream and the old movie was on screen for around a minute until it suddenly cut to Paige taking dark red colored cookies out of a oven and said to the camera.
Would you like some?